VeraSprite ™ is a dba for AvaWorks, Incorporated, a privately held Santa Monica company that owns patented technology with working applications enabling transmission of secured photo-realistic moving images on mobile devices.

Designed primarily for mobile phones and watches, VeraSprite ™ creates a watermarked photo-realistic moving likeness of an individual who acts as an animated spokesperson. Once created, the VeraSprite animation can be placed in different settings and thereafter is driven by the ongoing pronouncements of the person’s or agent’s voice. This photo-realistic spokesperson conveys the message in a uniquely created production setting consisting of background and slides that are fed into the mobile network. Creators of the setting may incorporate watermarked logos to help protect their intellectual property. In addition, show producers may embed interactive multiple-choice quizzes or links to their websites as part of the message. VeraSprite has a proprietary format for inputting the production setting where the spokesperson is located so both are coordinated while playing a show on the mobile device.



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